Listakonan Thea Fridman frá ‘Israel er gestalistamaður Artak350 í Grundarfirði í febrúar 2023.
Thea opnar sýninguna “Hugarástand”
Í Sögumiðstöðinni í Grundarfirði. Föstudag 3.mars. kl. 14.00-16.00.
Einnig opið á föstudag,
4.mars kl. 14.00-16.00.
Sýningin er frumsýning verkefnisins segir Thea okkur.
PoliCania kortið er kort af ímynduðu landslagi sem fylgir minningum um staði sem ég hef ferðast um ásamt teikningum og myndum úr flugvélum á ferðum mínum. Verkið er sambland af mismunandi teiknitækni, skrift og leturgerð..
‘A dvöl minni í Artak350 gestavinnustofunni, fékk ég innblástur frá fallegu og dramatísku landslagi Snæfellsness og fékk vinnan við kortið nýjar hliðar og fersk sjónarhorn.
Að vinna utandyra í Grundarfirði gaf mér líka innblástur að nýjum vinnuferlum sem ég mun miðla sem hluti af sýningunni.

Hér fyrir néðan lýsir hún verkefninu sínu:

I am a multidisciplinary artist. After more than two decades of working mostly as a sculptor, I am now working my art around the world in different sites and residencies. Sculpturing, drawing and photography are some of the techniques I use, as well as writing, performance art and videos. For the last two years I am working in a temporary studio in the of Town Mitzpe Ramon in the Israeli desert.
The key motif for my work is the human condition and the connection between human and nature. I do not hesitate to touch new materials, techniques and ideas as long as I feel it gives me the way to evolve within or if it helps me relate to issues that I find close to my heart.
PoliCania* State of Mind
The exhibition will be a first public display of a long duration project.
The PoliCania Map is a map of imaginary landscapes which follows memories of places I’ve traveled as well as drawings and photos from aircrafts throughout my journeys. The work is a combination of different drawing techniques, writing and engraving.
During my stay in ArtAk residency with the inspiration of the beautiful and dramatic landscapes of the Snæfellsnes peninsula, the work on the map gained new aspects and fresh perspectives.
Working outdoor in Grundarfjörður also gave me the inspiration for new ways of work that I will share as part of the exhibition.
* PoliCania Project is a long duration project that I work on while traveling to art residencies around the world. Its final part will be a Book Art with selected texts and images of my work. I named the project after an expression that I used in my youth. A compound word of Poland and Morocco – the origins of my parents.
In Greek the word Poly means – many
In Hebrew the word Can means – here
The feeling of many – of experiences & knowledge together with the need to experience a place, are the mental companions every time I go out on a journey. I call it PoliCania State of Mind. It reflects changes around me, and can evolve within.
Thea Fridman