Catherine REDOLFI gestalistamaður okkar að þessu sinni kemur frá Frakklandi,
Hún opnar afraksturs-sýningu í Sögumiðstöðinni í Grundarfirði
þann 25.Mars. kl. 14.00-14.00.
Sýningin er einnig opin laugardaginn 26.mars, kl.14.00-17.00.

Upphaflega ætlaði Catherine að dvelja í Gestavinnustofunni í tvo mánuði en þeir urðu þrír. Hún hefur notað tímann vel og heldur nú afraksturssýningu á bróderuðum myndum sem hún hefur unnið á tímabilinu.
Hún hefur hrifist af ‘Islandi og ferðast víða og hefur sérstaklega orðið fyrir áhrifum af og unnið með þemað “Eldur ‘IS”
Hér fyrir néðan eru hennar eigin orð um dvölina og verkin.
Catherine REDOLFI.
ARTAK350 Residency- Grundarfjörður JAN-MAR.2022,
It’s a luck to be here in ARTAK Artists Residency to concentrate on my work, in peace and without material worries.
Takk Fyrir for welcoming me.
I embroider for my pleasure, it’s not my job. I had a completely different job in France in a Scientific Laboratory.
At 20, I would have liked to be a volcanologist, at 40 I would have liked to be an embroiderer and gallery owner, but life decided otherwise.
As I was a scientist and rather Cartesian, after visiting two exhibitions, I wanted to understand what an artistic process is, so when I was 45 years old, I was lucky to be welcomed into public embroidery school Duperré School of Applied Arts in Paris, among young students. It’s a very demanding school, it was quite difficult for me because I had never embroidered or even practiced an artistic technique ; I came out enriched.
So, with 35 hours of work per week in my job, I had free time, I created an association ENTRE LES FILS (literaly “Between threads”) to promote high-end textile artists.
For more than 10 years, I organized several exhibitions (including an Icelandic one « Crins d’Islande » Horsehairs from Iceland – 3 icelandic artists) which were very successful.
Now I am retired since 2021, November 1st, and I can combine my 4 passions here in Iceland:
Iceland which I first visited in 1981 (we wrote the first « Iceland guide book » in french),
Volcanoes that fascinate me since my childhood (Haroun Tazieff, « les rendez-vous du Diable » = Devil’s meetings )
Textile art, artistic practice that moves me the most
and Art, I like museums, galleries, exhibitions, fairs…
I devoted a large part of my creation to the magnificent french volcano Piton de la Fournaise – Reunion Island, Indian Ocean.
I am happy now to invest myself for amazing volcanic Iceland.
I came to Iceland this winter (2021, December 14th) because I have a “lava and ice” creation project.
I finished an embroidery started in France about Skeiðarárjökull glacial tongue (Google earth picture) with the challenge of using only beads ; there are several maners to embroider beads, I pratice the slowest : I simply embroider with the finest needle possible, number 12, only made at BOHIN Manufactory.
Since my arrival, I have made my own pictures here in Grundarfjörður for my next works:
Two nearby frozen waterfalls Grundarfoss, Kirkjufoss and a a frozen river at the exit of the city towards the West, plus the frozen wall Búlandshöfði, amazing sources of inspiration for me. One piece of work is finished (Débâcle) and some samples have been produced or are in progress.
I also have a crush on lava Berserkjahraun which is particularly beautiful in winter; it should be a great project (lava, moss and snow).